Thank you Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Sarawak! Press Conference of Sibu International Dance Festival – Jejak Angin 2022 was held on the 10th May 2022 at RH Hotel, Sibu by Hornland Dance Theatre. The 9th Edition of Sibu International Dance Festival (SIDF) is supported by Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and […]
星洲日報 詩巫
由犀江舞蹈團主辦、詩巫市議會協辦的第8屆詩巫國際舞蹈節,將于8月13日至17日(星期二至星期六)在詩巫多個地點,包括民眾會堂、常青酒店、詩巫文化遺產中心、詩巫中央市場等地進行。 犀江舞蹈團為民辦的非盈利組織,迄今已連續8年主辦國際性的舞蹈節。 國際舞蹈節戶外演出都是免費開放,室內演出票券每張30令吉。舞蹈節活動與票券詳情,可瀏覽詩巫國際舞蹈節官方網站(或臉書專頁(,聯絡號碼為084-349932/011-3844 9932。
Outdoor Performances
詩巫國際舞蹈節每年都有免費的戶外演出供觀眾欣賞。 今年安排了三場演出。 1) 第一場是8月14日11點30分 地点:诗巫中央市場的第3到入口處 2)8月14下午5點開始 地点:詩巫遺產中心 個由8個團隊聯合呈獻.約兩個小時的演出。 还有户外写生比赛。 3) 是8月17日(星期六)早上11點30分 地点:詩巫中央市場第3道入口處 We always have free entrance to all Outdoor Performances to the public in Sibu International Dance Festival annually. This year we have 3 outdoor shows. 1) 14 Aug, 11:30am Venue: 3rd entrance of Central Market, Sibu 2) 14 Aug, 5:00pm Venue: Sibu Heritage […]
Press Conference
SIDF 8th edition is drawing near! The press conference of Sibu International Dance Festival (SIDF) was held at 7:30pm yesterday on 11 July, in RH Hotel Sibu. Present was the SIDF executive director Mdm Wong Siaw Siong, festival director Mr. Chen Ing Kuan, and the two advisors Datin Judy Lau and Mr. Tiong Yiong Ching. […]
SIDF 2018 Media Coverage
24/08/2018 Dance Concert at Sibu Civic Centre & 25/08/2018 Japanese Bon Odori Dance Workshop news coverage. Well done everyone!
Media Coverage
Thank you so much to the media for the huge coverage. 感谢媒体的大力报导!
Thank you!!!
It’s our pleasure to have Patrick Suzeau and Julie NH in our festival who were emitting such a positive energy to the audience especially Patrick Suzeau you have been in SIDF for the last 3 years and I found your interview on the newspaper 马来西亚星洲日报 Malaysia Sin Chew Daily 星洲日報 詩巫 today. Thank you to […]
感谢媒体朋友的报道! Thank you so much to the medias for the coverage.
一場結合160位國內外舞蹈工作者聯合演出的晚會,將於8月30日,9月1日與9月2日在詩巫民眾會堂上演! 去年(2016)的觀眾怎麼說: ~“這些表演做夢都夢不到的,太特別了!” ~”舞蹈晚會燈光的變化,讓人感到稀奇。表演不僅特別,燈光的變化與設計,讓人眼前一亮,驚喜連連。可以看出主辦單位的用心!“ 感謝星洲日報23/8/2017的登載 有意觀賞舞蹈晚會的朋友,趕快行動咯~!