SIM Dance Art, Singapore

Singapore, SIM Dance Art

Founded in 2011, SIM Dance Art aims to expose students to the dance genres jazz and contemporary. In its short 5 years, not only has Dance Art had numerous performances both locally and abroad, but various teams that participated in competitions emerged as finalists.
Besides staging their annual production [ALL]titude, Dance Art also actively collaborates with other universities. Under the tutelage of Resident Instructor Mr. Peter Teo, Dance Art provides a platform for dancers to explore and hone their skills, and aims to be a “voice” for Jazz and Contemporary locally.
Photos provided by SIM Dance


新加坡管理學院舞藝舞蹈團於2011年成立。主要是讓在籍學生學習爵士舞與當代舞蹈。雖然成立只有5年,該團卻多次在國內與國外進行表演。在該團總監 Peter Teo的帶領下,他們致力於推動與提升爵士舞與當代舞的發展。除了參與製作該團每年一度的舞蹈晚會,該團也與其他的大學合作演出。


