DPAC Dance Company (DDC)
DPAC Dance Company (DDC)
DDC was set up along with the establishment of Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC) under the guidance and direction of Artistic Director, Wong Jyh Shyong. As a choreographic workplace, it presents DPAC’s in-house productions with local artists and collaborative projects with international artists. It has performed in local and international festivals such as MyDance Festival, TARI Festival, d’MOTION International Dance Festival, M1 CONTACT Festival (Singapore), and Store House Collection (Japan). In 2015, DDC was awarded the Best Group Performance for Cut the Clouds at the 12th BOH Cameronion Arts Awards 2015. DDC has toured Malaysia, Australia, India, Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan.
Apart from showing the dance works by the artistic director Wong Jyh Shyong, will also showcase the classical ballet and a collaboration work with Goethe-Institut Malaysia. Goethe-Institut Malaysia also support the dancers to present a dance work HAHAHA which was worked out together with German choreographer Ben J. Riepe and dramaturge Felizitas Stilleke Kleine in SIDF 2016.
Photo provide by Dpac. HAHAHA credit to Kelvin Chan, After Dark credit to JS Wong.
DPAC舞团于2013年创立,并由前任云门舞集一团舞者黄志雄所指导。创团至今已制作多部演出作品,更获邀到海内外各艺术节。舞团也在2015年荣获第 12届BOH金马伦艺术大奖「最佳演出团体」(舞蹈组),其获奖作品《Cut the Clouds》也荣获「最佳灯光设计」及「最佳音乐设计」两项奖项。至今,DPAC舞团曾巡演到澳洲、印度、台湾、新加坡及日本。
Dpac 除了將演出該團藝術總監黃志雄的作品,也將演出經典古典芭蕾舞作。同時,該團也受到設立在馬來西亞的德國歌德學院的資助,前來演出與歌德學院合作的舞作 HAHAHA。這支舞蹈由德國編導Ben J. Riepe,劇作家Felizitas Stilleke Kleine,以及Dpac的舞者共同打造。